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When are the 360's w/ bluray expected to launch?!



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Post Sun Jun 08, 2008 1:36 pm

When are the 360's w/ bluray expected to launch?!

I'm interested in the up and coming xbox 360 lineup. I don't think I'll get one from the store or anything like that, but in like... a year or so, I'd pick one up from a second-hand store probably.

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Post Sun Jun 08, 2008 3:23 pm

Microsoft has been denying the rumors for about 8 months now (well ever since no more HD-DVD). As of right now tho...there is a rumor that on Monday microsoft will blow whatever Apple has to offer at a dev meeting with a Blu-Ray addon for the 360.

I hope its a upgradeable addon they come out with instead of a built in one. It wouldnt be fair for early adopters.
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Post Mon Jun 09, 2008 8:26 am

I hope it's an internal. External would mean more wires and seems to be less portable and more susceptible to damage. Sure, it's not "fair", but slim users with double the NAND than people with original models isn't "fair" either. Technology gets better, or should, and I hope an internal bluray device is adopted. It's the only way I'd get a 360 in the future.

D3ViLsAdvocate wrote:Try shaking the salt harder onto your tongue.


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Post Tue Jul 15, 2008 11:27 pm

Well they should bring out a new console with it internal and an external add-on for us who alrdy have a 360, that seems rather "fair".
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Post Wed Jul 16, 2008 7:29 am

there was a recent statement made at e3, once again reiterating the point that there will pretty much never be bluray for the 360.


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Post Tue Jul 22, 2008 6:50 pm

I personally dont see the "use" for it at this point in time. I mean we've already got a market place to download HD quality movies. Rather than waste their time and money on a blu-ray add-on for the 360 i would like to see them use that time and money on their next generation console.
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Post Wed Jul 30, 2008 3:45 am

There will never be a 360 Blu-Ray player. Buy a stand alone player, or a PS3. At least you can play MGS4 with it.
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