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Halo 3 Easter Eggs! Post them!



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Post Sun Apr 06, 2008 9:16 pm

Halo 3 Easter Eggs! Post them!

I'm curious about the Easter Eggs and glitches in Halo 3. What kind of stuff did they put in there?

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Post Mon Apr 07, 2008 3:56 am

If you ever get on and look at my fileshare I have several interesting stuff on it in terms of glitches or easter eggs. I know how to do the armless glitch where the persons arms fly off and they become invincible, I know how to drive the AA wraith in campaign, I know how to give ghosts, wraiths, and anything with little grav lifts that make them float 0 gravity, mm make a black warthog, get out of a lot of levels, and some other stuff. Halo tricks is a nice video series on youtube to watch sometimes. I also have seen stuffed monkeys, and little picture fo a guy with boxers on (I guess one of the staff that made halo 3), and some other stuff. O and I figured out how to take the turret off anything such as a hog, wraith, anything with turrets.
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Post Mon Apr 07, 2008 5:04 am

I havent played Halo 3 in about a month. COD4 (to me) owns. I got on Halo and i moved so SLOW. Im crap at Halo 3 now...but i rule at COD4
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