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DPM + Halo 3. Anyone wanna play?



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Post Wed Jan 16, 2008 3:32 pm

The blu-ray is Definitely the thing for the future, the size is amazing! It is going to be needed to storage for the future movies that require a lot of space, Even better graphics are to come probable and better sound and better everything, which will require more space. The double layer is fascinating. They have the majority support of the movie producers.


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Post Wed Jan 16, 2008 5:08 pm

Sony's new media solutions are almost ALWAYS failures, and most people thought that bluray would be that way as well, but how wrong could they be? lol. Bluray is definitely a great format. The capacity it is capable of holding is amazing (by today's standards). Double layer games would offer the best graphics, best sounds, but above all, the best games overall. Regarding movie quality, that's also top-knotch. I really don't see bluray being forced off of its pedestal, even though HD DVD is a great format also.

D3ViLsAdvocate wrote:Try shaking the salt harder onto your tongue.


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Post Wed Jan 16, 2008 6:05 pm

Yea, they are truly both great, but the blu-ray disc allows for a much better storage space so I don't see how people can choose HD, when sooner or later we will HAVE to upgrade to another disc. So why have to go through 2 stages of discs and buying all these movies when you will have to upgrade in a few years?


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Post Wed Jan 16, 2008 7:03 pm

I just bought some points...gonna download the new map pack if anyone wants to play. Just send me an invite on xbox if your interested.
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Post Thu Jan 17, 2008 1:09 am

Also, I just want to clarify this again, the name "Kanye Diggit" is not my personal name on xboxlive because, well, I don't HAVE an xbox 360 or live, for that matter. But that is the name that I play on. If you're playing Halo 3 and playing against "Kanye Diggit", 9.5/10, you aren't facing me, however, if suddenly you hear that person say, "DarkPacMan77 is in the house" - go hide under a rock ;)

But yea, I completely agree with AdventWolf. The hd dvd format is a good format, but it really should have came out sooner. The features of bluray simply outclass the features of hd dvd. Sure, they both make for a great picture, but bluray offers seemingly limitless amounts of space and that is, without a doubt in my mind, going to come out on top as the "format of choice". Again, not dissing hd dvd or 360 etc., but it's just hard to look at the facts and say that hd dvd is better. I honestly believe it is a waste of money compared to bluray, especially in the gaming department. HD DVD movies? - if they're cheaper than bluray then it really seems like a pretty good idea to purchase (if you MUST have the TOP-LINE picture). On the market right now though, I'm thinking that my dollar is best spent on the PS3 which will offer a gaming quality that WILL surpass the 360 eventually. Many people say that the games that are ported to both the 360 and PS3 play better on the 360. Whether or not that is true, I don't know, but sooner or later, there will be games being made for the PS3 that can't even be ported to the 360 properly because there simply isn't enough space to use on DVD format. Bluray easily triples the amount of disc space and with dual-layer... dvd and hd dvd formats might as well just kick the bucket early and give up.

D3ViLsAdvocate wrote:Try shaking the salt harder onto your tongue.


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Post Thu Jan 17, 2008 5:57 am

There is really no doubt that Bluray is better, along with the fact that ps3's themselfs are a lot stronger and can produce better games. The only 2 reasons I like xbox 360's over ps3's are 1. Price is cheaper, which the ps3's price is going down now and 2. Its more fun to play. I just like the games better. I've noticed the more time passes by, the worse I don't like these new games. When you look at shooters, there basically all the same. Some dark story where most of the time your in dark rooms killing people. I know shooters can't really be a "happy game", but really. It gets old and there just aren't any games that stand out anymore to me. That and online play. All my friends have xbox 360's, so I don't really play like halo 3 to "play it" but to play it with my friends. If I constantly played with people I don't know then I don't think it would be fun at all. For me, it's all about having fun playing games with my friends mostly. So yea, just my point of view. So unless bluray gets cheaper and the ps3 gets good online play, with good fun games to play, then I will jump on the bluray bandwagon.

Anyone else notice how poorly racing games are now? Most, if not all are going towards the type of racing game with nothing but exotic cars to pick from, and you have to follow those stupid arrows that change from red to green so you know your going slow enough? Aside from burnout which I don't like there idea either of crashing a lot to win.
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Post Thu Jan 17, 2008 5:52 pm

I guess one of the reason the 360 is cheaper is because the majority of the accessories are not included. The PS3 has a built in blu-ray player, as the 360 you have to buy the HD addon right? I thinks its like $200! Not sure. And the PS3 has a built in wireless adapter, as the 360 requires you to buy one, idk maybe $100? But both of those things are unnecessary but I think the majority of 360 owners probably do have one or 2 of those. And right now, there has been a deal going on for quite a while. You buy a 40GB PS3 for $400 and it comes with 5 free blu-ray movies, 20 to choose from. That seems like a good deal to me. But it lacks the PS1/2 compatibility :(. So with buying those extras, the 360 is about $600 or so? idk..


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Post Fri Jan 18, 2008 3:21 am

Yea the wireless adapter costs $100 and the HD DVD player is $180 and comes with 5 "free" HD-DVD's also. But im sure there including atleast 1 dvd in the price. And that wireless adapter is ridiculous. I could understand the HD-DVD player, but I'm def. not buying one of the wireless adapters. Probably won't buy neither unless they start making games that require the HD-DVD player somehow. People have used wireless cards/ wireless routers though with there xbox so there is no need for that little costly bugger. And the deal your talking about with the ps3's, ends at the end of this month. I'm guessing the deal with the HD-DVD player ends this month too. If I bought a ps3 it would be on the $500 one though. And without those two accessories you mentioned the 360 is still only $350. But it has a small harddrive too :( So yea. That could be the reason. But that still doesn't help the fact that the xbox is funner to play then the ps3 right now :P
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Post Fri Jan 18, 2008 3:42 pm

I use my laptop as my wireless card. i didnt think it would be to good but when my group goes to view videos on Halo 3 it says i have the best connection (they are running wires)
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Post Fri Jan 18, 2008 11:10 pm

I honestly dont even think the hd dvd drive is worth purchasing seeing as how you can just purchase movies off of the live marketplace that have 720p/1080p/1080i on them. As for the ps3 being better for the future...all i have to say is at what point in the future? When its time for the next gen of consoles to be released will the ps3 finally catch up? By that time it will be too developers are really interested at this point in developing that size of a game. Theyre more interested in a quick turnover.
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Post Sat Jan 19, 2008 8:46 am

which is why i think Xbox is the right choice.....
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Post Sat Jan 19, 2008 11:27 am

Did anyone play this fridays tournament? I completely forgot about it...
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Post Sat Jan 19, 2008 8:41 pm

I couldn't make it :( I was on, got caught up with helping my buddy do something and didn't make it in time. Sorry.
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Post Sun Jan 20, 2008 7:38 am

I wasnt home.....I got home at like midnight and went "CRAP! we had a tourny!"
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Post Sun Jan 20, 2008 5:12 pm

bkfraiders7 wrote:I use my laptop as my wireless card. i didnt think it would be to good but when my group goes to view videos on Halo 3 it says i have the best connection (they are running wires)

Thanks for helping me out with that btw. I found that using my laptop from a distance that was equal to the location of the wireless networking adapter for the 360 that my laptop's wireless was making a WAY better connection (from unplayable lag to no problems at all). The distance was only about 30 feet away. The $100-150 or w/e they want for the networking adapter is totally not worth it. I'd rather buy a $250-350 laptop instead in order to do things wirelessly.

Also, don't be missing the tourny dates geez!! lol

D3ViLsAdvocate wrote:Try shaking the salt harder onto your tongue.

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