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360 getting blu ray!



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Post Fri May 16, 2008 5:08 pm

BKFraiders7 wrote:I expect them to do a huge makeover with the Live Experience since Sony did. Now all ur Sony Fanboys....dont go say "they stealin our idea fool."
the whole idea of a xbox is stealing Sony's idea lol.

man both systems are great.
Xbox has better games'
PS3 has WWWAYYYY better quality, seeing that studies show 1 out of 10 ps3 break while 4 out of 10 xbox 360 break
Xbox feel very cheap IMO

Xbox has way better online, every game we bought for ps3 and played online the first few weeks we had A LOT of trouble.

PS3 as we all know has better software and hardware, making is superior graphics and speed wise.

Yes blu ray is slow, but it allows for much bigger games.
The menu on PS3 are easier to maneuver through compared to xbox


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Post Fri May 16, 2008 5:41 pm

AdventWolf wrote:
ace_012 wrote:I didn't say the gameplay isn't good, I just find the 360 more fun for myself to play because all my friends have 360s and we all play on xbox live. I find it insanely boring to play online without anyone I know. Sure psn might be fun, but I find xbox live significantly more fun, with so many more features I just find it a lot funner. As for offline play, I could care less. But from my experience, xbox live blows psn out of the water. At least for me.

lol I just told you that I wasn't pointing my post at you :P I knew somehting would come of it lol.

I have had no slow down problems for blu ray movies so I don't know what you talkin about, and the Wii was terrible imo. And the ps3 games take a long time to download, maybe 40 mins to download and install and already be playing, is it THAT hard to leave the system sit for 45 mins and let it download and stuff? I am in no way a sony fanboy, but it just makes me mad when people flame the ps3 even though their arguments are bogus. And no I wouldn't say MS is stealing the idea, I mean its video games you do what you do to update your system everything is fair game unless its copyrighted. YOU are the one that accused Sony of stealing others ideas.
I posted this with the intent of showing the unlikeliness of the situation, not a battle between PS3s and 306s, they are both fine systems with good features. Leave it at that.

And I don't really think we have any Sony fanboys here, I think we all like the xbox, if anything it would be the other way around.

In no way was i even talking to u Advent. So no, there was no reason for u to get upset about the fanboy point. Also, i didnt say movies. I said games.
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Post Fri May 16, 2008 6:31 pm

Yea it's a touchy subject I guess I should stop debating on youtube about it. lol youtube is the worst, the community is terrible. It is interesting if MS would integrate the blu ray player into their system.


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Post Sat May 17, 2008 11:56 pm

Tom's Hardware doesn't publish rumors.


farquezy wrote:PS3 has WWWAYYYY better quality, seeing that studies show 1 out of 10 ps3 break while 4 out of 10 xbox 360 break
Xbox feel very cheap IMO

Studies actually show that the statistics are more like 30 out of 100 xbox 360's break, while 1 out of 100 ps3's fail. That's the truth, so no fanboy rubbish.

D3ViLsAdvocate wrote:Try shaking the salt harder onto your tongue.


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Post Sun May 18, 2008 12:43 am

haha i actually think we are all sony fanboys just a lil...we all do own 'sony' psp's after all....=]


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Post Sun May 18, 2008 3:44 am

The psps are made by Sony"?! lol, maybe but I am a huge fan of Nintendo's original consoles and the game boy.


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Post Mon May 19, 2008 9:33 pm

im with ya there advent still got my snes and gameboy pocket :)....also tryin to acquire my nan and pops nintendo :)


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Post Tue May 20, 2008 11:07 am

Dude, i have a 360 and i know a ton of my friends who's Xbox's broke... And i really want a PS3. Nintendo's systems break like, 0 out of 100 times haha. My friends Wii fell off of my car and it still works fine. He threw a GBA in the pool and it was fine. And i beat the Tar out of a DS and failed...


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Post Tue May 20, 2008 12:29 pm

Reason why

A. I didnt put this on Xboxbrew
B. I said i didnt believe this.

As said in homemediamagazine

""Microsoft has nothing in development for any type of Blu-ray Disc add-on for the Xbox 360, said Microsoft Game Studios head Shane Kim, head of Microsoft Games Studios, during a roundtable at the company's 360 Spring.

"I know Blu-ray provides some visual boost for people who want a physical HD format, but we're not seeing that format taking off, in general," Kim said. "The DVD format is still doing well. Eventually, the price of Blu-ray players will come down to $150 and the value proposition of a $300 or $400 PlayStation 3 as a game console and movie player will be impacted."

"Video Marketplace helps us to speak to the more casual gaming audience," said Kim, who added that he believes Microsoft chose the right strategy for distribution of entertainment via Video Marketplace. "There's a lot more to our brand than just hardcore games.""
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Post Tue May 20, 2008 2:08 pm

BKFraiders7 wrote:Reason why

A. I didnt put this on Xboxbrew
B. I said i didnt believe this.

As said in homemediamagazine

""Microsoft has nothing in development for any type of Blu-ray Disc add-on for the Xbox 360, said Microsoft Game Studios head Shane Kim, head of Microsoft Games Studios, during a roundtable at the company's 360 Spring. But he wishes he had, because Xbox is very cheap and its player sucks big pp

"I know Blu-ray provides a f*ck load of visual boost for people who want a physical HD format, but we're just a bunch of homosexual, or a pile a sticks, losers who want a cheap system, in general," Kim said. "The DVD format is still doing well. Eventually, the price of Blu-ray players will come down to $150 and the value proposition of a $300 or $400 PlayStation 3 as a game console and movie player will be impacted."

"Video Marketplace helps us to speak to the more noob gaming audience," said Kim, who added that he believes Microsoft chose the right strategy for distribution of entertainment via Video Marketplace. "There's a lot more to our brand than just hardcore games.""
fixed :D


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Post Tue May 20, 2008 2:44 pm

farquezy wrote:
BKFraiders7 wrote:Reason why

A. I didnt put this on Xboxbrew
B. I said i didnt believe this.

As said in homemediamagazine

""Microsoft has nothing in development for any type of Blu-ray Disc add-on for the Xbox 360, said Microsoft Game Studios head Shane Kim, head of Microsoft Games Studios, during a roundtable at the company's 360 Spring. But he wishes he had, because Xbox is very cheap and its player sucks big pp

"I know Blu-ray provides a f*ck load of visual boost for people who want a physical HD format, but we're just a bunch of homosexual, or a pile a sticks, losers who want a cheap system, in general," Kim said. "The DVD format is still doing well. Eventually, the price of Blu-ray players will come down to $150 and the value proposition of a $300 or $400 PlayStation 3 as a game console and movie player will be impacted."

"Video Marketplace helps us to speak to the more noob gaming audience," said Kim, who added that he believes Microsoft chose the right strategy for distribution of entertainment via Video Marketplace. "There's a lot more to our brand than just hardcore games.""
fixed :D

hahah dude thats so true....but i still luv xbox360 i would get one if i had the money and a ps3 :P

but i dont think they will end up putting the blu ray player with the xbox360....they will just wait till there next console and put somethin even better in that


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Post Tue May 20, 2008 2:59 pm

yah ill soon be getting a xbox 360 to, maybe when GoW2 comes out


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Post Tue May 20, 2008 3:04 pm

Overall i really like the 360, when halo 3 came out all me and my friends did was playl it. Same with Bioshock, Skate, the Orange box, GTA 4, Gears of War, and Mass effect. And i think it has the best Online most of the time, but like i said, i know a lot of people who have hardware problems.


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Post Tue May 20, 2008 3:21 pm

farquezy wrote:
BKFraiders7 wrote:Reason why

A. I didnt put this on Xboxbrew
B. I said i didnt believe this.

As said in homemediamagazine

""Microsoft has nothing in development for any type of Blu-ray Disc add-on for the Xbox 360, said Microsoft Game Studios head Shane Kim, head of Microsoft Games Studios, during a roundtable at the company's 360 Spring. But he wishes he had, because Xbox is very cheap and its player sucks big pp

"I know Blu-ray provides a f*ck load of visual boost for people who want a physical HD format, but we're just a bunch of homosexual, or a pile a sticks, losers who want a cheap system, in general," Kim said. "The DVD format is still doing well. Eventually, the price of Blu-ray players will come down to $150 and the value proposition of a $300 or $400 PlayStation 3 as a game console and movie player will be impacted."

"Video Marketplace helps us to speak to the more noob gaming audience," said Kim, who added that he believes Microsoft chose the right strategy for distribution of entertainment via Video Marketplace. "There's a lot more to our brand than just hardcore games.""
fixed :D

that just looks gay farquezy....not funny at all. :roll:
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Post Tue May 20, 2008 4:09 pm

DarkPacMan77 wrote:Tom's Hardware doesn't publish rumors.


farquezy wrote:PS3 has WWWAYYYY better quality, seeing that studies show 1 out of 10 ps3 break while 4 out of 10 xbox 360 break
Xbox feel very cheap IMO

Studies actually show that the statistics are more like 30 out of 100 xbox 360's break, while 1 out of 100 ps3's fail. That's the truth, so no fanboy rubbish.

Even though only 1% of PS3s fail, and a massive number of PS2s encounter disc read errors, my PS3 still broke and my PS2 has never failed once. And it broke a month after my Wii randomly bricked and Nintendo couldn't copy my saves. I hate next-gen consoles.
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