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A few Games I wanted to review from E3.

PostPosted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 9:56 pm
by Equ1ox
Prince of Persia - no actual name yet.
Dead Space
Fallout 3
Final Fantasy 13
Gears of War 2
I Am Alive - maybe? anybody know?
Mirrors Edge
Tomb Raider - Underworld

If you have anymore games or information to add just post them! :)

Prince of Persia -
After watching Game trailers and other videos from E3, Ive noticed that Ubisoft has taken the new POP game in much different direction.
The graphics are very well done and worthy of next get systems.
it has a cartoon/cell-shaded look too.
But it looks worth playing. Release Date - Later this year.

Dead Space -
If you were waiting for a horror game to play this year the dead space is probably it.
Its practically a mix of Doom, Gears of War, and Possibly Half life.
In all honesty i think this game will be great.
This is a game Id play in the dark. Release Date - October 21st

Fallout 3 -
This game was definitely a highlight of E3.
Something awesome if you like the Elder Scrolls games, KOTOR or Mass effect.
its got a lot of similarities, and a very unique battle system which allows you to pinpoint your enemies
weak spots with different weapons.
you can also create your own weapons with many things found in the game. Release Date - October 7th

Final Fantasy 13 -
If you've always liked the Final Fantasy series, then you should jump for joy!
During this years E3 Square Enix revealed to the world that Final Fantasy 13 will be coming to the
Xbox 360.
I'm guessing Sony is pretty angry right about now. :) Release Date - Tomorrow.......just kidding TBA.

Gears of War 2 -
I'm not going to lie to you.
If I had to pick a favorite game, it would be Gears of War.
and the new one comes out very very soon.
If your familiar with Gears 1, then your most likely just as excited as I am.
there's plenty of new things that Epic Games is bringing to the plate with this installment.
Including, a ton of new characters, wepons and enemies.
Do you like Gears of War Death Match or XBL? Then your going to be happy that the new game will be shipping
with anywhere between 5 and 10 maps.
and 2 redone maps which are Gridlock and Subway. Release Date - November 7th

I Am Alive -
Not much known about this game at all.
all that;s known about it from what i hear and have seen is that its made by Ubisoft and it looks alot like
I Am Legend.
The debut trailer shows a man named Adam running from 3 men who are chasing him for what else?
A Half empty bottle of Zephyr hills water spring water.

Mirrors Edge -
Beautiful. That's the only word i can think of when I saw this game.
when i heard of a game that you could play all the way through and never have to fire a single bullet,
my jaw almost dropped.
The game play is a lot like Assassins Creed with a certain flow about it.
You play as a woman named Faith who happens to be the most hardcore delivery girl you've ever seen.
If your familiar with Free Running, then that's what the game play is like and its all in first person.
But if you don't know about it here's something quick.
Free running is the flow of ones body doing maneuvers on and from street levels, walls and the scale of buildings.
But just imagine that in a video game. Release Date - TBA

PostPosted: Wed Aug 06, 2008 9:46 pm
by AdventWolf
Definitely Fallout 3, FF XIII, and maybe Prince of Persia, I don't care for the graphics though.