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Windows Media Center and My 360



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Post Tue Jul 08, 2008 11:49 am

Windows Media Center and My 360

Well, after reading the Lifehacker guide on hooking up ur 360 to Media Center i decided to take the plunge. Got everything set up (easy btw) but i decided to go the extra step in trying to set up my TV tuner on my laptop. Not so great. It keeps saying it cant find the tuner. Thats the tuner i have

And yes, i tried to "google" it to find the problem. Any suggestions? O, and it DOES work in WinTV
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Post Tue Jul 08, 2008 12:10 pm

So your trying to use Windows Media Center to operate the tv tuner? Or are you trying to use the tv tuner on the 360 trough windows media center?
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Post Tue Jul 08, 2008 12:21 pm


It says u can watch TV on the 360 Media center as that would be nice.
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Post Tue Jul 08, 2008 1:22 pm

Man, wish I could help ya. Honestly, if you can get in touch with English speaking Microsoft tech support, that may be your best bet. If you still can't get it, I'd also recommend trying out There's a ton of nerds there that give free advice and what-not.

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Post Tue Jul 08, 2008 2:32 pm

Most of those idiots are indonesian (nothing against them....but some of their english is crap).

It would be sweet to have a DVR.

What i want my setup to be is:

VGA cable together my Satellite receiver to my USB TV Tuner
MAke it realize i have a TV tuner and make it watchable.
Then...since it knows i have one should allow me to use my 360 as a DVR.

That would be sweet i think.
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Post Tue Jul 08, 2008 4:42 pm

Um, well...what would be the point of watching tv through your xbox on your tv? Just turn the xbox off lol. As for the computer, I'm guessing that it won't work on your computer either? Did you install the drivers/update the drivers?
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Post Tue Jul 08, 2008 4:49 pm

I would be able to use my 360 as a DVR, Recorder, Extender (moveable), ect. And works for my laptop oddly.

Weirdly.... all of a sudden came up and said " FOund a new tuner.." i was like WHY THE HECK NOW????
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