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Halo 3 modding is in.



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Post Thu Mar 27, 2008 10:34 am

Halo 3 modding is in.

Anyone play any of the recently leaked Halo 3 modded maps? Their forge vairants on several maps with some different things on them. Like Valahalla, and highgrounds has AI bots added to them (Technically their just dummies since they don't attack). Others have warthog turrents laying around, trees, some a few more minor things. Mostly simple proof of concept mods, and I'm sure the future mods that are being made will be more advanced, but who knows if they will get released. So anyone know any dirt on them or play them? All I know is some kid named Anthony is behind all of it and won't release his resigner (program that resigns the map after being modded so it can run on a retail xbox, devkits don't need to be resigned so if there is any other person saying they have made palyable mods then they are either lieing or managed to get their hands on a devkit) in fears that xbox live and matchmaking will go down the drain, and direct statements from bungie/xbox live themselfs. O well, one person has did it, and I'm sure soon the Halo 3 modding community will become just as big as it was/is for Halo 1 & 2.
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Post Mon Mar 31, 2008 7:17 pm

Yeah, i've played a few of them. What exactly was it like on halo 1&2 tho? Only halo i've played is 3.
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Brewology Moderator
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Post Thu Apr 24, 2008 7:31 pm

This may be a little old, but I recently read some about it and was wondering how this would inspire newer levels. I'm surprised that they didn't include a map-making mode in Halo 3 to begin with.

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Post Fri Apr 25, 2008 5:19 am

I really like the whole forge idea, but it seems as though now that bungie is out of the new halo games, we are doomed :( But it would've been awesome if they had a farcry style of making maps, or add better features. Like, let us actually make stuff float in the air without finding ways to make it float. Or add AI, water, stuff like that. I believe ever since Halo 1 modding came out, modding aim really has been more towards trying to make the maps our own. Not cheating, or anything like that, but just make the map what we actually want it to look like.

As for halo 1 and 2, modding was best on halo 1 PC version. You could do INSANE stuff on it. Halo 2 for xbox was real fun modding, but you could only really realistically mod downloaded maps. You could mod old maps, but reburning the game on a disc or putting the whole game on your hard drive was quite the hassle. And well Halo 3 modding/ Halo 2 PC modding is gay :P
Mostly because the resigner for Halo 3 hasn't been released so only Anthony can make mods, and Halo 2 modding is like looked down upon greatly in that community because people are scared someone will ruin it by cheating. So yea.

I remember in Halo 1 you could do really anything you wanted. Make a banshee shoot homing rockets was always fun.
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Post Sat Apr 26, 2008 8:42 pm

I'm against modding. VERY against modding, in fact. The only way to subdue peoples' interest in modding games to change levels and things is by making a mode on the games to allow them to edit things in the FIRST place. Just doing that simple thing can curb CHEATING in games quite easily. People will be less inclined to hack the game and add modifications of their own if the game already allows it (to a certain point).

I was terribly surprised when I found out that Halo doesn't have a map-editing/ making mode. I was even more surprised that they didn't have a "bot" mode... and by that, I mean computer-controlled AI units to try to take you out (or even go against each other). Think, "Perfect Dark" to understand what I'm talking about. I mean, I still play Perfect Dark (original) on my N64 with my buds. One of the most fun things about that game was getting you and a friend to fight against "x" number of "Dark Sims" - perfect computers. That's just my opinion, but I still don't see why such a concept wasn't adopted in Halo 3. I mean, think about it... do you know how flippin sweet it would be to fight say, 20 respawning Hunters at once?

D3ViLsAdvocate wrote:Try shaking the salt harder onto your tongue.

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