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Trouble with MAME on the PSP

PostPosted: Fri Jun 24, 2005 11:32 am
by monkeyboy129
Is anybody else having trouble with MAME on the PSP? (using the PSPBrew pack).
It loads up and everytihng is fine until I actually come to run one of the games on the menu.
Scramble for example simply says that none of the files are found (they are there, honest).
Rolling Thunder gets to the (Dont play this unless you own it) prompt and then hangs.
Cant get anything going basically.
The SNES emulator is fine though.
Ive checked the ROM file names match the ones in my ROMS folder too.
Cheers to all.....


PostPosted: Fri Jun 24, 2005 11:43 am
by monkeymaximus
maybe its the emulator... let me test some stuff. Thanks for the info!

PostPosted: Fri Jun 24, 2005 11:48 am
by hyedipin
that's strange, i heard many people successfuly run emulators on psp..
however, remember MAME is still not %100 (so i hear)..

and for Rolling Thunder gets to the (Dont play this unless you own it) prompt and then hangs. .. maybe it knows! :lol:

joking aside, i will test some more.. but I CANNOT GET MY 512 MS , because they still couldn't get it in stock.. arrghhhh! :evil:

PostPosted: Fri Jun 24, 2005 11:58 am
by monkeymaximus
it seems MAME is extremely glitchy. After some checking around, MAME is no where near completion... i think i may have found an update that might help some. So look out for it.

PostPosted: Fri Jun 24, 2005 12:14 pm
by monkeyboy129
Thanks chaps!
I saw that there were new version .96 MAMEs for the PSP around so I'll give them a go.
Maybe I'm just jumping the gun a bit expecting things to work fully.
But then, maybe people shouldnt announce things are working until they are.

PostPosted: Fri Jun 24, 2005 12:18 pm
by monkeymaximus
hah im updating it now

PostPosted: Fri Jun 24, 2005 1:09 pm
by Guest
Guess you know where to get all the .96 MAMEs but just in case here is a link where someone has already converted them to zip ... light=mame
They havent put them through the exploit yet though.

More power to you.

PostPosted: Fri Jun 24, 2005 1:29 pm
by hyedipin
very nice!!

PostPosted: Fri Jun 24, 2005 1:35 pm
by Guest
It would be worth starting a topic with working/non-working ROMS and for which emulator.
There will be plenty of people like me who will download an emulator only to find they cant get anything running.

You think you've got trouble with your memory stick? I've go a 16MB !!!

PostPosted: Fri Jun 24, 2005 1:36 pm
by hyedipin
16? :) where did you get 16.. psp comes with 32, is there even 16MB duo ? :?

anyway, you are definetly right..
we should start that.

i was actually speaking to monkeymax about it, but we will make a list somwhere..

PostPosted: Fri Jun 24, 2005 1:38 pm
by monkeymaximus
ill make a page which people can add games and say working or not working like a form... it will be ALOT cleaner than a forum.... what u think?

PostPosted: Fri Jun 24, 2005 1:42 pm
by hyedipin
definetly! :D

searchable games,
modified / classified by Emu's

columns include:

-PSP F/W Ver.----EMU NAME----EMU Version----ROM NAME----COMMENTS----

or something like that, you got the idea.

PostPosted: Fri Jun 24, 2005 1:42 pm
by RallyMK1
a page which people can add games and say working or not working like a form

That sounds great, as long as the link is obvious from the home page. Since there aren't any other working/not working lists (maybe i missed one, but I looked wherever I could), this one could be important. I'm going to make the best list that I can for the NES tonight. I have almost every game, so it should be a good list.

PostPosted: Fri Jun 24, 2005 1:43 pm
by hyedipin
the main page needed work anywya, and this will be a good start

PostPosted: Fri Jun 24, 2005 1:44 pm
by monkeymaximus
AWESOME! Thanks man.