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[RELEASE] Naruto (Contra Edition) v2

PostPosted: Fri Aug 07, 2009 12:20 am
by aznag88
Hi all.

I have decided to release the second version of my homebrew that is a remake of Contra but Naruto Style.
I have thought alot in this release because it wasnt supposed to be out yet.
Since i want the users opinion/suggestion its my pleasure to introduce you this version of my first homebrew in LUA ( the full details are in the readme.txt).

Buts already detected:

- Platform fall, player appears in the top platform.
- Stupid double jump in the first boss.


In the final release there will be some new stuff such as :

- Trophies
- More levels
- More bosses
- Better AI.
- Better platform and fall detection.
- Music
- Sound effects
- etc.


Download: h**p://***


Thank you and goodbye

PostPosted: Fri Aug 07, 2009 11:39 am
by crait
This will be included in the next wave of news posts, thanks. :D