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Re: Windows 2013 rumor

PostPosted: Sun Jul 11, 2010 9:51 am
by crait
Let's get back on track....
I agree with Ace; Microsoft would never allow such a high-quality video leak onto the web. Perhaps they leaked it on purpose to build hype. That's a big theory about Apple's iPhone 4.

Re: Windows 2013 rumor

PostPosted: Wed Jul 14, 2010 10:21 am
by Mailas
It's something like this you just wish was true.
It has shiny and amazing written all over the video X_X

Re: Windows 2013 rumor

PostPosted: Wed Jul 14, 2010 2:34 pm
by Puncharger
Personally, I think it's fake.


airplanes18 wrote:HA didnt fail? is that wy it randomly corrupted all my internet and usb port drivers for no reason? yeah, ok. works great for a POS OS that takes onger and longer to be usable on start up. ubuntu runs like its a fresh freakin install. 7 takes almost 5 minutes! theres nothing on it and it randomly eats HDD space!! wasnt 7 supposed to be like, 30 seconds? ha. yeah right.


Re: Windows 2013 rumor

PostPosted: Thu Jul 15, 2010 9:21 am
by airplanes18
hahahahahah you know it!! :P

Re: Windows 2013 rumor

PostPosted: Sun Aug 08, 2010 9:51 pm
by crait
I would really like for them to allow us to customize a lot more stuff without editing registries or using Windows Blinds.

Re: Windows 2013 rumor

PostPosted: Mon Aug 09, 2010 1:38 am
by The Cookie Monster
Ain't going to happen... When they released XP themes like Zune, The World asked them to release something which would help us make our own, but they said the format "msstyles" was to be secret... I figured out how to do stuff with Resource hacker, but I really sucked at photo editing and made the worse themes...

Re: Windows 2013 rumor

PostPosted: Mon Aug 09, 2010 8:43 am
by crait
Well, they only released one or two themes for XP.... I had the Zune one... -__-
They said the same thing about .DOCX files, but then they were told by courts to release a butt-load of information, including how to read and edit them.

Re: Windows 2013 rumor

PostPosted: Mon Aug 09, 2010 3:06 pm
by The Cookie Monster
Actually not.. they release 3 by default, there was a zune one, there was a royal, a royal noir, there was an embedded(name) one... and more...

Re: Windows 2013 rumor

PostPosted: Mon Aug 09, 2010 8:17 pm
by crait
Yes, but the Zune was the only one that was never pre-loaded onto any machines. If you had a newer machine, you really only had the option of expanding it to that theme. Doesn't make sense to me to have the ability to do so many things but only release a limited selection of items for it.
Like if someone makes an amazing game system but only comes out with 3 games for it.

Re: Windows 2013 rumor

PostPosted: Mon Sep 20, 2010 5:22 am
by False_chicken
Thats what happens when something is closed source. Only a select few can make anything for it. I have never done anything in ubuntu and said "Damn, I wish there was more choices for [Insert customization item here]"

Re: Windows 2013 rumor

PostPosted: Sun Oct 10, 2010 10:30 am
by Alex Finlay
Puncharger wrote:Personally, I think it's fake.


airplanes18 wrote:HA didnt fail? is that wy it randomly corrupted all my internet and usb port drivers for no reason? yeah, ok. works great for a POS OS that takes onger and longer to be usable on start up. ubuntu runs like its a fresh freakin install. 7 takes almost 5 minutes! theres nothing on it and it randomly eats HDD space!! wasnt 7 supposed to be like, 30 seconds? ha. yeah right.


one, get better anti virus for your windows 7, two stop putting your bais bulls**t on these forums i don't come around alot and its anoying to see your "lets make this thread into a UNBUNTU OWNS EVERYTHING CUZ IT RUNS FAST BUT IS REALLY S**T GENERALLY" Windows 7 on my computer takes about hmm, 1 minute ubuntu 30 seconds, do i care no? can ubuntu do half of what windows 7 can? no, no thanks i don't want no wine, but without wine ubuntu is boring.
"randomly eats HDD SPACE!" get anti virus software for when you watch porn, and btw installing files does use space "BUT UBUNTU HAS NO VIRUS'S KAI?" Yes it does, reality check, if it was even 25% as popular as windows it would have 10* as more then it does. God some of your posts infuriate me till the depths i don't scroll and just read the threads i post in them.

My Opinion: The video's are fake, as Mailias said MS is smart. and they arn't believable from my perspective.
@ Airplanes, i suggest any thing else you have against my comment you please PM me so i can greatly read, delete, send it in the post to anoy anyone else, or just reply to. if you want to post about how much you hate 7 and your bad experience's funly no one else has had, your dad who is funnly enough a technition in computing and must know all. Ive been gullible before but when someone like that slaps me on the face ive just goto go "no"

Re: Windows 2013 rumor

PostPosted: Sun Oct 10, 2010 11:34 am
by airplanes18
Alex Finlay wrote:
Puncharger wrote:Personally, I think it's fake.


airplanes18 wrote:HA didnt fail? is that wy it randomly corrupted all my internet and usb port drivers for no reason? yeah, ok. works great for a POS OS that takes onger and longer to be usable on start up. ubuntu runs like its a fresh freakin install. 7 takes almost 5 minutes! theres nothing on it and it randomly eats HDD space!! wasnt 7 supposed to be like, 30 seconds? ha. yeah right.


one, get better anti virus for your windows 7, two stop putting your bais bulls**t on these forums i don't come around alot and its anoying to see your "lets make this thread into a UNBUNTU OWNS EVERYTHING CUZ IT RUNS FAST BUT IS REALLY S**T GENERALLY" Windows 7 on my computer takes about hmm, 1 minute ubuntu 30 seconds, do i care no? can ubuntu do half of what windows 7 can? no, no thanks i don't want no wine, but without wine ubuntu is boring.
"randomly eats HDD SPACE!" get anti virus software for when you watch porn, and btw installing files does use space "BUT UBUNTU HAS NO VIRUS'S KAI?" Yes it does, reality check, if it was even 25% as popular as windows it would have 10* as more then it does. God some of your posts infuriate me till the depths i don't scroll and just read the threads i post in them.

My Opinion: The video's are fake, as Mailias said MS is smart. and they arn't believable from my perspective.
@ Airplanes, i suggest any thing else you have against my comment you please PM me so i can greatly read, delete, send it in the post to anoy anyone else, or just reply to. if you want to post about how much you hate 7 and your bad experience's funly no one else has had, your dad who is funnly enough a technition in computing and must know all. Ive been gullible before but when someone like that slaps me on the face ive just goto go "no"

im gonna be civil. and ill address the stuff i see you dont know anything about. ubuntu has no viruses. i have never heard of anyone getting one nor have i ever seen anything. now. i dont watch porn. i have a girlfriend. if you had one, youd understand. ubuntu is just as entertaining without wine, but wine is a plus. and the speeds dont change. the stuff i boast? its real. the stuff MS boasts? its temporary. DONT TALK ABOUT MY DAD. dont do it.

ubuntu isnt sh*t. its amazing. its great. MS has never had much to show me that works great. every OS has sucked. every xbox has failed. zunes fall apart. im not just saying this. its experience. hop off my dick.

Re: Windows 2013 rumor

PostPosted: Sun Oct 10, 2010 12:56 pm
by Alex Finlay
[Disclaimer] i did not start the war but i will certainly finish it.
"im gonna be civil. and ill address the stuff i see you dont know anything about. ubuntu has no viruses. i have never heard of anyone getting one nor have i ever seen anything. now. i dont watch porn. i have a girlfriend. if you had one, youd understand. ubuntu is just as entertaining without wine, but wine is a plus. and the speeds dont change. the stuff i boast? its real. the stuff MS boasts? its temporary. DONT TALK ABOUT MY DAD. dont do it.

ubuntu isnt sh*t. its amazing. its great. MS has never had much to show me that works great. every OS has sucked. every xbox has failed. zunes fall apart. im not just saying this. its experience. hop off my dick."
your dads s**t ohh no please you going to threat me irl?
your a lame little kid who knows NOTHING about me irl, who thinks because he has inexperience in computing things that go wrong are obviously the operating systems fault.
"Hop off my dick." are you telling that to your girlfriend because i don't think anyone is on your dick sir.
'3 what you going to do? Throw a ubuntu computer at me? i would because there useless.

ive had fun with you as allways your one sided bias'nuss of every conversation, i'd be supprised if you ever work with Media.
if you don't want me to talk about your dad don't bring it up, don't even begin to mention some sorry story why i shouldn't. This Thread was innocently about windows 2013(8) yet you allways had to bring it to a war about ubuntu being amazing. I DON'T CARE. NO ONE CARE'S. if its good its good, but bluddy hell stop being a F**KING PRIEST ABOUT IT. "if you had a girlfriend" mate you know nothing about me irl, i posted once in about a month, why would i even tell you? you'd phone her and drown down her throught how ubuntu is amazing, she'd choke on the bulls**t then she'd die? then i'd be girlfriendless, now no-one wants that ;-).
Assssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss, allways its been fun.

"im gonna be civil. and ill address the stuff i see you dont know anything about. ubuntu has no viruses. i have never heard of anyone getting one nor have i ever seen anything."
Igorance is bliss just typing that into google disproves your point. if you want to continue being an idiotic little s**t who lives in his own head thinking everything he does, he uses is great then thats fine, but don't preach it here because i don't know about everyone else im tired of it.

Re: Windows 2013 rumor

PostPosted: Sun Oct 10, 2010 1:41 pm
by monkeymaximus
uh... this ends now. please clean up your comments.

Security through obscurity doesn't mean that it has no viruses. Its the same logic as with a mac. They ALL have exploits (I know as our servers have been hacked). But if im making something to be malicious I naturally target the largest user base right? That way I do the most harm.

Ubuntu is great for its own uses as is Windows. Depends on what you are using it for. While I think Ubuntu Server is great for serving (our server is ubuntu). I don't quite like it for web browsing, mail, etc.

All of these OSes have different strengths. Just like the iPad is good for some stuff but not others.

edited: Just to note I have a PC / Mac / and Ubuntu Box.... I use them all for different things. Stereotypes mean sh*t. My Mac crashes more than my PC... why? Because I use it extremely aggressively. For some reason the PC can handle it that better. When coding I use the Mac / Ubuntu for shell and the PC for code. Its all preference and depends on what _you_ do.

Re: Windows 2013 rumor

PostPosted: Sun Oct 10, 2010 2:09 pm
by Alex Finlay
i have a Debian vps and ubuntu seedbox, i also have mac, ubuntu and Windows OS's windows installed Ubuntu on my old comp.