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Fallout 3 - Broken Steel DLC

PostPosted: Tue May 05, 2009 3:04 pm
by Kanadier
Source =

Users report that Fallout 3 Broken Steel DLC is, yes, broken on PC [update]

by JC Fletcher { May 5th 2009 at 9:17AM }

[Update: Bethesda tells us "We're seeing the same error, which is a Games for Windows Live DRM Install error. Microsoft is working on fixing it, and we'll let everyone know once we've verified it."]

The last Fallout 3 DLC didn't exactly launch smoothly -- users reported issues with the Xbox 360 version of "The Pitt," requiring Bethesda to release an updated version. The latest DLC, "Broken Steel," came out today, and it's also causing problems for players -- this time on the PC.

Would-be "Broken Steel" players are reporting on the Bethesda forums that installation of the DLC isn't working. After the files are downloaded through the Windows Live Marketplace, the installation stops and displays the message "Not a cryptographic message or the cryptographic message is not formatted correctly. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8009200D)."

Bethesda is aware of the issue -- "Dermont" from the company commented on the forum, "I am even getting the same issue." The team is "looking into it."

lol, he says "I am even getting the same issue." Don't you think one of them would have tested it out on their PC before sending it off on it's own? lol

PostPosted: Tue May 05, 2009 5:34 pm
by que13x
I think this would have been a great "news" story.

I was thinking about getting the add ons.

It is a shame that the games have so many glitches but I suppose it is to be expected given how big the games are.