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PS1/PS2 Homebrew running on ps3!!!

PostPosted: Thu Jul 03, 2008 1:57 am
by nosiphoratu
I just loaded the "it might be nes" nes emulator for ps1 on my ps3 using the swap trick and i was wondering if anyone else has had any success with ps1/ps2 homebrew running on the ps3, and if so what programs/emus work well?

p.s. im not using the swap/switch trick what i mean is where the case is open and you physically remove the disc after it passes the security check. it can also used to run backups (i do not endorse piracy) Basically it lets you pass the disc security checks. I know for a fact that it works with ps1 backups and i am quite sure about ps2 backups as well but as for ps3 backups i don't know because almost no one owns a bluray burner (what would be the point anyway). Anyway i figured since ps1 backups run ps1 disc homebrew may also run although the only thing i have actually tested is the nes emulator and i am curios as to whether ps2 homebrew can run as well (if there even is any)

Please respond i am very curios to what i can do with this mod

PostPosted: Thu Jul 03, 2008 4:18 pm
by Terdinglage
hmm, it seems like a cumbersome mod lol. its interesting that it works though. id say you should check out what homebrew there was for the ps2, i know they had a decent amount

PostPosted: Thu Jul 03, 2008 8:35 pm
by nosiphoratu
I actually have a 3 part vid of it on youtube

and is suprisingly easy you basically only have to take off the cover and open the bluray drive. You only even have to unplug three cables total to do it.

And the way i have it set up it looks like nothing is different about unless i am playing backups
its bascally the swap magic trick from ps1 and ps2

I tried snes station for ps2 today and it gave me the playstation logo but then a black screen. It didn't freeze it just didn't do anything. I could still exit/reset etc. from the ps button

PostPosted: Sat Jul 05, 2008 8:54 am
by D3ViLsAdvocate
Taking the top off, than all the screws for the cover, and than all the screws for the bluray drive
is time consuming. I did it twice, and most likely won't be doing it again.

PostPosted: Tue Jun 23, 2009 3:07 am
by brentbizzle
Doubt the warranty for the ps3 is still good, but the warranty of this thread is certainly expired.

Don't necropost.

PostPosted: Wed Jun 24, 2009 6:30 am
by D3ViLsAdvocate
Sony gives a one year warranty.